We came to Albania six years ago. We arrived during Holy Week and we had a beautiful Pascha. I’ve celebrated Pascha in a few different churches, but I have to be honest: there is something so special about being with thousands of people outside of the Cathedral in Tirana on Holy Pascha night. You can feel the excitement in the air. The byzantine chant is angelic. The Holy Spirit is filling all things. To be in the presence of Archbishop Anastasios, a living Saint, and rejoice in the amazing Resurrection of our Lord and Savior is undescribable to those who have not been to a Pascha in Tirana.

We sing: "It is the Day of Resurrection, let us be glorious, let us embrace one another and speak to those that hate us; let us forgive all things and so let us cry, Christ has arisen from the dead".
The Gospel reading from Holy Pascha is miraculous. Every day this week my son has been telling me, “It’s going to be Pascha in a minute!” The anticipation has been building. We are finally here, at the Resurrection of our Lord.
For my son, I like to explain the Gospel of today like this:

When it was still dark on Sunday morning, the women who were friends of Christ ran to His tomb. They were carrying special oil and spices to rub on the body of Christ, because this was the custom then. As they were running they were speaking to each other: “Who will roll away the stone? It is so heavy!” They knew that they were not strong enough to roll it away.
As the women approached the tomb, they saw that the stone was already rolled away from the tomb. The tomb was open. An angel was sitting on the stone. The soldiers that were guarding the tomb fell to the ground, they were so afraid.
But the angel said to the women: “Do not be afraid. You are looking for Christ, who was crucified. He is not here. He has risen from the dead! Go and tell His disciples that Christ is risen and He will meet them in Galilee.”
The greatest and most amazing miracle happened on Pascha morning. Christ, who suffered and was crucified, and died for us on the cross, rose from the dead! Christ was stronger than death. Christ opened the doors to Heaven for everyone who believes in Him.
Tip: Everytime you speak to someone greet them with Christ is Risen! In your home, at the store, on the bus, at Church, spread the joy that Christ is Risen!
Craft: Pascha Cards

Materials: colored paper, markers, stickers, scissors
With the colored paper, fold it in quarters like a card. Write Christ is Risen on the front. On the inside write Truly He is Risen.
Let your children decorate the cards how they like. Then encourage them to give the cards to their friends and family proclaiming that Christ is Risen!
Recipe: Ritsi Meatballs
One of my husband's favorite recipes I make is meatballs. I like to make a huge batch of them, and then keep them in the fridge for Bright Week. Here is the recipe, and I hope you will enjoy them too!

As we celebrate this beautiful Feast of Feasts, let us keep the light of Christ in our lives, sharing His glorious Resurrection with everyone around us.
Happy Pascha! Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
