On Holy and Great Monday night we celebrate Orthros for Tuesday. This is our second night having Orthros at nighttime as opposed to the normal morning Orthros when we are not in Holy Week. On Holy Monday night we will hear a long, but beautiful Gospel from Matthew.

Here is something that we will hear, and that you can share with your children:
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-39)
Why should we love God first?
How can we show our love to God?
How can we teach other people to show their love to God?
Who is our neighbor?
How can we show our love to our neighbor?
How can we teach other people to show their love to their neighbor?

Craft: God is Love necklace
After discussing about the Gospel reading, write some of the ideas your children have on how to show our neighbors and family that we love them.

You will need:
2 pieces of color paper, string or ribbon, tape, markers, and scissors.
On the two pieces of paper draw circles that are about as big as the bottom of a soda pop can. On each circle write ideas of how your child can show love to their neighbors and family.
Some ideas Moses said were: patience, prayer, kindness, sharing and listening.
There are no right or wrong answers here. But encourage your children to think honestly and to talk about why they chose each thing.
Cut out the circles and make a small hole at the top of them. String the circles on the string or ribbon. If you want to keep them in place tape the circle from front to back on the string and space them out. If you don’t mind them going in one place, don’t tape them.

Pasta salad with spinach and oranges
This recipe is quick and easy to assemble. It refrigerates well and can be made in a double batch for leftovers another day.
1 bag of pasta (your choice)
Fresh Spinach
1 orange or 3 mandarins
½ cup chopped walnuts
1 tomato cut into small squares
1 cucumber cut into small squares
¼ cup dried cranberries (boronice te kuqe te thate)
½ cup oil
¼ cup of balsamic vinegar
Garlic powder
Cook the pasta according to the directions. While your doing that prepare your vegetables. Try and cut everything to be the same size you can get each vegetable on every bite. Wash the spinach and cut it up a little. Toss the vegetables, orange, and spinach together in a bowl. After the pasta finishes cooking add it to the bowl of salad ingredients. Make the dressing, mixing it with the salad. Then before you eat add the cranberries and walnuts. Enjoy!
Today, try and engage your children and speak to them about how they can show their love to their friends and family. Also, how can they show God that they love Him. Encourage them to pray, to talk, to God. This is one essential way that we can show God that we love Him.
