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Holy Wednesday

On Great and Holy Wednesday we remember Judas betraying Jesus Christ. Here is the Gospel reading, from Matthew, for your children.

Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples, friends of Christ, went to the leader of chief priests. (The chief priests were some of the leaders of the Temple.) Judas said to them: “What will you give me if I give you Jesus Christ, who I know you don’t like?” And the chief priests paid Judas thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment, Judas said yes to betraying Christ.


What does the word betray mean? (For example: disloyal, reveal information to bad people, and exposing someone to a dangerous situation)

Who betrayed Judas?

What did Judas get in return for betraying Jesus?

Do you think that is a lot of money? (You can explain that it is almost a  years worth of money if you had a regular job.)

How did you feel when you hear that Judas betrayed Jesus?

Why do you think he betrayed Jesus?

Are there things that we do in our lives that betray Jesus?

It is always a constant struggle in our lives as Christians to not sin, have love of money, lying and denying Christ.


Recipe: Prosphora

Tomorrow, on Holy Thursday we have Liturgy. It is a beautiful thing to make Prosphora on Holy Wednesday and offer it to the Church on Holy Thursday.


1 teaspoon yeast

1 cups warm water

3 cups flour


Sprinkle yeast on top of the warm water and stir to dissolve.

Make the sign of the cross into the flour (or make a well in the center of the flour) and add water and yeast mixture. Use hands to mix, rotating in a circular motion to pull flour gradually into the center.

When the dough sticks together, turn out onto a floured work surface and knead to form a smooth, elastic, firm dough (about 20 minutes). Allow the dough to rest for about 10 minutes, then knead again for about 5 minutes longer.

Lightly flour a pan.

Flatten the dough slightly and place in the middle of the pan. Sprinkle flour onto the top of the dough and on the Prosphora seal. press the seal down firmly onto the top of the dough to get the best possible imprint.

Use a toothpick small holes at the 12 corners of the cross on the seal (4 in the middle and 8 around the edges).

Cover with a clean towel (make the sign of the cross and place a small cross on the towel), and allow to rise for 20 to 25 minutes.

While the loaf is rising, preheat oven to 355 F (180 C).

Bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. During baking, if the top starts to get too dark, cover loosely with a piece of aluminum foil.

When done, remove loaf from the oven and transfer to a cooling rack. Cover with a clean towel until cooled, and then brush away any flour that may remain on top from the seal.

Craft: Pascha Basket Cover

We are all anticipating the coming of Pascha. One tradition we have in our house is we have a Pascha basket that is filled with all kinds of chocolate, small gifts, and red eggs. This craft can help make the Pascha basket be more beautiful. It is from Draw Near Designs.

Materials: a plain white towel, pencil, paint, and markers.


Lightly draw out the design for your Pascha basket cover on the towel.

Using paints or markers color in the design.

Set it in a place to dry. Place it over your Pascha basket after you fill it up with goodies from the feast.


We have to remember, especially today, on the betrayal of Christ, to always remember Christ in everything we do. To take time out of our day, to pray, and be silent and listen to God. I pray that you have a blessed day filled with love, patience, and strength.



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